At DevShift, we recognize the importance of making digital space accessible to people with disabilities and see it as an integral part of our concept of service and social responsibility. This site was made accessible with great care in accordance with Israeli standard 5568 - level AA, the level required by law.

Please note that despite our efforts to make all pages of the site accessible, parts of the site that are not yet accessible may be discovered.

The accessibility of the site is reflected in the following topics:

The site is suitable for browsing on a Desktop computer, laptop, and mobile devices.
You can increase the text by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl "" and "+" keys (Control and Plus). Each press of this pair of keys will increase the view by 10%. To decrease the view, press the Ctrl keys simultaneously. " "And" - "(control and minus).
Users who have difficulty operating a mouse can browse the site using a keyboard. Pressing the Tab key repeatedly will switch between the various links on the page. Pressing Enter will activate the highlighted link and Esc to exit menus and windows.
The page structure is semantic and standard (division into titles, tagging links and images, etc.).
Support for assistive technologies - This site is an accessible site that is also suitable for viewing by people with disabilities and allows support for screen reading software. For optimal accessibility on our site we recommend using the NVDA or iOS Voice Over screen reader.
Hierarchical division into headings
Tagging images and non-textual elements
Focus is visible
A logical order of focus that is simple and easy to understand
Accessibility alerts on field problems in the contact form

Office accessibility

Accessible parking
Accessible entrance